How to install (and update!) R and RStudio

The first step to learning R is to have it downloaded on your computer! In this blog post, I introduce R and RStudio and show you how to download and install them.

Where to ask for help when coding in R

In this blog post, I'm going to describe a few R forums that are particularly useful when you need specific help with your own project.

How to go from R to nice tables in Microsoft Word

As scientists analyzing their data, we often have data or results in R that we want to export to a word processor for the reports or publications that we’re writing. In this tutorial I show you how to do just that!

Video tutorial on the essentials of R for ecology cheatsheet

Here I present a video tutorial and walkthrough (and code) that I created to go over my cheatsheet on the 80% most important functions in R (for ecology)

Intro to evolutionary algorithms with R for beginners (from scratch) [PART 1]

Here I describe how evolutionary algorithms work by going through an example of fitting a basic linear model.

Five fun things you can do with R (Vol. 1)

Here is the first installment of a series of posts on fun things that you can use R to do: from analyzing your google search history, to making Holiday cards and twitter bots. Enjoy!

How to actually make a quality scatterplot in R

Scatterplots are one of the most common types of data visualizations you will encounter as a biologist. Here I go over how to make quality scatterplots that are ready for publication.

The myth of the R learning curve

Some thoughts about how the R curriculum could be improved.

The essential functions of R cheatsheet

This cheat sheet covers all the essential functions that will allow you to do at least 80% of all operations you will ever have to do in R as an ecologist.

How to do a simple linear regression in R

I show you how to do a simple linear regression in R that models the relationship between two numeric variables